Mission Statement
Building lifelong relationships by exceeding expectations.
Our Story

August 2, 1889
First National Bank of Cameron Chartered
First National Bank was one of the first banks in the state to be granted a National Charter (Monty Humble, "A History of Banks in Cameron". The Texas Historian, September 1970, p. 8).

August 22, 1889
FNB of Cameron Opens Doors
John M. Hefley invested the $50,000 needed for capital for the bank. The first meeting of the Board of Directors held on this day, John M. Hefley was elected President; R.H. Sellers, Vice President; C.P. Dodge, cashier; and T. F. Hardy, assistant cashier (Humble, p. 8) John M. Hefley served as President, Director and stockholder of the First National Bank in Cameron until death on December 20, 1903 (Williams, First National Bank in Cameron, p.3).

First Bank Building
After its first year of business, The First National Bank of Cameron conducted business in a two story brick building at the corner of First and Houston Streets where the present building now stands (Humble, p. 8).

Bank Presidents
T.F. Hardy served as President from 1904 to 1905. J.N. Bradshaw served from 1905-1909. A.J. Dossett served until April 6, 1912, when A.N. Green was added to the board of directors and elected president.

March 3, 1921
New Bank Building
The new $75,000 home of the First National Bank of Cameron was modern in every particular as well as fire proof. The inside of the bank held a vault purchased for $4000 from the Mosler Safe Company in Hamilton, Ohio. The door weighed 22,000 pounds and was 11 1/2 inches thick. Its steel and cement walls were 22 inches thick and lined with half-inch sheets of manganese steel. This vault is still in use today.

Vault Installed
Lester and Beatrice Williams pictured in front of the bank vault (purchased from Mosler Safe Company of Hamilton, Ohio) that was installed in 1921.

January 3, 1928
Ben Arnold State Bank Acquisition
In the late 1920's with the winds of Depression in the air, many small-town banks began to fold or be absorbed by banks in larger communities. Ben Arnold State Bank on January 3, 1928 had total resources of $154,387.51 and was merged with First National Bank of Cameron. Ben Arnold State Bank; President: A.N. Green, Cashier: H.L. Gunn, Capital $10,000, Surplus $6,500, Total Resources: $154,387. In 1918 there were 907 State Banks in Texas with total resources of $288,990,273.

Bank Presidents
S.W. Cheeves replaced Mr. Green and served until his death in 1931. R. H. McIntosh then acquired bank stock and served until 1933. Henry M. Hefley, the nephew of founder John M. Hefley became president in 1933 and served until his death in 1945. When he became cashier in 1904, Henry Hefley was the youngest cashier in the state.

December 17, 1931
Acquired Cameron State Bank

July 15, 1933
Bank Officially Re-chartered with New Name
The First National Bank in Cameron

August 29, 1933
2nd Bank Charter
After the new Banking Acts were passed in 1932 by the federal government, The First National Bank of Cameron recapitalized and applied for a new bank charter. The Bank Board of Directors, officers and staff all remained the same. Bank operations continued in the same building, for the same customers. Effectively when the Bank Holiday declared by President Roosevelt, to access the health of the country's bank was over, First National Bank in Cameron remained open for business.

January 1946
Lester Williams Named President
A returned WWII veteran, Mr. Williams served as President until 1975.

1955 and 1969
Bank Remodel
In 1955, ceilings were lowered and 1921 Bonnie and Clyde type teller cages were removed. In 1969, the outside of the two-story building was reworked closing off all second story windows. A new two story addition was completed on the west side and a two lane drive-thru bank was added. 2900 square feet of office space was added, a community conference room and the lobby were also remodeled with walnut paneling, windows and customer safe deposit booths.

Richard E. Williams Named President
Richard E. Williams served as President until his death in 1986. Ernest Moore served as president until 1998.

Another Bank Remodel and Addition
Added North wing of current building.

Bank ATM
First National Bank added its first ATM machine and issued ATM cards to all of its customers.

100th Anniversary
The banks 100th Anniversary was celebrated in August 1989. Pictured are honored guest Senator Phil Gramm, State Representative Milton Schiller, President Ernest Moore and Chairman of the Board Lester Williams. Gramm was presented with a key to the City of Cameron or was it a key to the vault?

1992 and 1993
Branch Acquisitions
We aquired two Rosebud Banks, The Planters National Bank of Rosebud, Texas on February 25, 1993 and First Consolidated Bank, N.A. Merchants on July 8, 1992.

Branch Acquisitions
We acquired Lee County National Bank in Giddings on June 30, 1995.

Richard E. Williams, Jr. Named President
In March of 1998, Richard E. Williams, Jr. became President of First National Bank in Cameron to succeed Ernest Moore. He served as President until March 21, 2018 when John David Minor took over as President. Mr. Williams served as Chief Executive Officer of Classic Bank until his death in 2023.

Branch Openings
We opened a banking facility in Rockdale, TX on March 10, 2003.

November 1, 2007
Bank Name Change
On November 1, 2007 First National Bank in Cameron became Classic Bank, N.A. This was a name change, not a sale or merger. The same shareholders, Directors, Officers, staff, facilities, products and services are on board to serve our customers as when we were First National Bank in Cameron.

2008 and 2009
Branch Openings
A Loan Processing Office was opened in Bastrop, TX on December 1, 2008 and it became a branch office on June 9, 2009.

December, 2011
Liberty Hill, Texas
In December of 2011, Classic Bank acquired the Liberty Hill, Texas branch of Texas Savings Bank, S.S.B., Synder, Texas. Classic Bank is looking forward to and very excited about serving our many new customers in Liberty Hill and Williamson County, Texas.

March 2018
John D. Minor Named President
Richard E. Williams, Jr. served as President until March 21, 2018 when John David Minor took over as President.

March 1, 2023
Thorndale, Texas
On March 1, 2023, Classic Bank officially opened its doors to its seventh location in Thorndale, Texas.

November 21, 2023
Terry Richter Named CEO
After John D. Minor stepped down, Terry Richter was named CEO of Classic Bank on November 21, 2023