Personal Services

Mobile App
- Handle all your banking from your very own smartphone
- View accounts, check balances, make payments, and more
- Must be enrolled in online banking to use1

Mobile Wallet
- The faster, more secure way to pay
- Compatible with Apple Pay®, Google Pay™, or Samsung Pay
- Free to use in store or online

Zelle Payments
- Make payments in three quick steps
- Money is sent within minutes
- Available through the Classic Bank Mobile Banking app

Digital Banking
- Bank like usual anytime, anywhere, on nearly any device
- Includes free online banking, mobile banking, and eStatements
- Track balances, make payments, view checks, and more

Additional Services
From debit cards to safe deposit boxes1, there are even more ways to manage your money.
Learn More1Contents of safe Deposit Boxes are not insured or guaranteed by the bank, the FDIC, or by any other government agency.